“I have noticed better control…tone…quality to my voice”
I am excited about having a better quality to my voice, better pitch and overall singing ability. I see that the exercises are enhancing my abilities and improving my overall quality…by continuing the daily practice I will be able to perform better and better”
Ken Anderson
“It all started clicking for me immediately”
Excellent! Incredible information packed into the easy to watch and understand videos. I started using the information from each video AMAZING! It all started clicking for me immediately…
The range building exercises and vocal agility exercises helped tremendously but also the exercises on vocal tone and resonators made a HUGE difference almost instantly. It was almost miraculous! I practiced 2 songs which I would never been able to pull off and sang them at a karaoke show this week (this is after only using your course for a week) while I was singing I noticed the usually somewhat noisy crowd had gone silent. They were actually listening!
There is no way I could have done these songs two weeks ago… It worked perfectly and the tone was unreal. I moved from chest voice to head voice without any cracks or breaks. UNREAL! I had so many comments after those songs. The best was from a friend who sees me every week and said “Where the HECK did that come from?” I just told him I have a vocal coach named Aaron and he is really good! LOL”
Les Cox
Your course is great!
It is obvious that it will improve a number of things — the ability to stay on pitch, the ability to move easily from low notes to high without struggling to find the pitch or sliding into it. I also found it interesting that the larynx can be strengthened by daily workouts, much like other muscles in the body.”
Cary Watt
Your lessons were perfect in helping to improve my voice in the ways needed. I began to learn how to relax my jaw, where my tongue should be, proper breathing, what type of voice I have. (range wise) How to go higher, easier and many other things too! Thanks Aaron!”
Carol Brimhall
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